Every child has his own strengths and weaknesses. Parents must pay attention to their child’s strengths to develop it more fully, however, they must also know the weaknesses so that they can acknowledge and do something about it.
Here are some guidelines in discovering your child’s potential:
1. Create the “Strengths Journal”
List down the things that your child is good at. Keep this journal and discuss what you wrote from time to time. Make sure that you include the feelings expressed during that particular situation. Letting your child know that you are attentive to this will carry out more positive behaviour.
2. Listen to your child.
They know what they can do or not. Listen and value them. Avoid asking questions that are only answerable by yes or no, instead ask them questions that you can understand them better. Reflect on what they are telling you. Show them that you are interested in his perspective.
3. Let them tell their own stories.
The things that the parents' experience might not be experienced by their child. Parents should not dictate what path their children should take. Children must be given the chance to write their own stories in life. Parents are just there to act as their guide and support. Sometimes, the children let go of dreams just to please their parents’ dream for them.
4. Give them a lot of choices as much as possible.
Use this opportunity to learn more about your child. By giving them choices, you would know their preference and will understand them better. Make sure you respect their choices even if that is not what you want for them.
5. Do not compare them with their other siblings.
Every child is unique and it is unfair for them to be compared with their “perfect” sibling. Give them the chance to prove themselves and acknowledge what they can do.
6. Creating family traditions.
Family tradition gives the child a positive outlook on life and will urge him to do it for others. Special celebrations in the family play an active role in developing traditions and creating meaning for others. The more they are exposed to these, the more they will feel good in contributing something good for others.
7. Find out what makes them unique.
Simple nuances that your child shows may give you a hint of their strengths and interest. Sometimes, unusual things may suggest what they prefer to pursue. Stay observant.
Credit: By Charisma Dela Cruz, Director of Montessori Training