‘Brainy Bunch is the World’s Leader in Islamic Montessori education with a specialisation in teaching, coaching and helping children to be Brainy and Impactful by providing an Islamic, Montessori and English-speaking environment, through the Brainy SPICE education framework to assist children to attain success in both worlds’
#BeBrainy #BrainyImpact

Why We Created Brainy Bunch?
The first 6 years is the most important period of education
Instilling and nurturing love to obey Allah and to love and follows the Sunnah via daily practices
Providing Islamic, Montessori and English prepared environment
Our Vision
Teach, Coach and Help children to Be Brainy & Impactful to attain ‘Success In Both Worlds’

Our Mission
Nurturing 10 Million children worldwide to create a positive impact on Ummah via BRAINY BUNCH SPICE development model.
Producing 1 million world-class Education Coach who educates, coach and helps to maximise each and every child’s true potential
To design and build International Standard for Islamic Education Framework to ensure the quality and minimum standard of Islamic education are achieved.
To be the World No 1 Preferred Brand in early & primary education
Our Core

Islam is taught as a way of life.
5 Loves:
– Love Allah SWT
– Love Prophet SAW
– Love Jannah
– Love Parents
– Love Others
Sunnah Practices Adab
3x Solat: Dhuha | Zohor | Asr
Solat Audit
A strong Islamic foundation is important to produce dynamic Muslims with Al-Quran and Hadith as their true guidance in life.

Mixed-age group
VAK Learning
(Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic)
Child-centric: follow the child’s pace
10 core subjects;
– Sensorial
– Maths
– Language
– Islamic
– PE
– Creative Subjects
– Music + Movements
– Storytelling + Conversation
– Cultural
The Montessori Methods encapsulate the development of the multiple intelligence found in all children.

Main medium of instructions and
All subjects are taught in English.
Main target is for the children to
converse in English.
Graded Phonetic;
– Pink(488 words)
– Blue (484 words)
– Green (249 words)
Total 1221 words
We use English as the medium of instruction and communication to prepare our children for their world-changing future.
The Brainy Roadmap
To attain Success In Both Worlds, we have set the step by step technique called ‘The Brainy Roadmap’ for our children to achieve the GOAL MASTERY based on 5 SPICE Elements.
Setting THE RIGHT MINDSET is important for our children to have a clear intention and objectives that they want to achieve
The Mastery Target is to have a Clear Vision of what they need to master in every aspect of SPICE even though it may take them many years.
Setting a New Routine in their daily life. Starting with the minimum daily KPI until the practices become a habit.
Love for others is the last step. Being a master in all facets of SPICE is useless if one does not help others in becoming at least as good or as better than them.
The CONSISTENT DAILY EVALUATION of their level in respect to where they are and their goals will guarantee their improvement.
How Do We Operate?

Managed and Operated centrally by Brainy Bunch Headquarters in Cyberjaya.
Structured Timetable.
Proper Reporting Flow: Teacher > Campus Manager > Division Manager > COO > CEO
Career Growth Potential: Teacher > Special Teacher > Assistant Campus Manager > Assistant Division Manager > Division Manager