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What is Montessori all aboutIt’s a Method founded by Maria Montessori over 100 years ago using hands-on training allowing and teaching the children how to handle the Montessori apparatus and letting the children experience, discover and master skills on their own. This process triggers, encourages and further enhances the learning abilities of children. The Montessori Method is universal and is suitable to be applied to all children in any part of the world regardless of their individual background and culture.
Why should we enroll our child in Brainy Bunch International Islamic Montessori?We want your child to develop not only academically but also develop the total persona of your child which includes physical, behavioral, intellectual and social skills and most importantly the infusion of a strong spiritual belief. WE OFFER THE BEST AMONGST THE REST…
How does the Montessori Method benefit our child?The Montessori Method encapsulates the development of the multiple intelligences found in all children. In other words tapping their individual strengths and potentials in any area of development is a necessary and intrinsic process that can only be found in this method. Teaching is child-centered and all areas of development are geared towards the child’s natural abilities and potentialities.
What is Brainy Bunch International Islamic Montessori School?Brainy Bunch International Islamic Montessori School was set up in 2010 founded by 3 passionate Individuals, Mr. Mohd Fadzil Hashim, Ms. Efizah Mohtar Rasali and Ms. Ladyana Zoraya Abdullah. The motivation behind the initiation is the quality of education for their own children. Starting by wanting the best for their children, Brainy Bunch was thus founded.
What makes Brainy Bunch different from other Kindergarten schools?The foundation of Brainy Bunch is set upon three major pillars: Inculcation of Islamic practices and knowledge into the method and daily life of children and adults in schools. The use of the Montessori Method of education, a globally recognized and most effective method of educating children. 100% use of English as the medium of instruction and communication in all Brainy Bunch schools.
How will you ensure us that Brainy Bunch will have a solid education and a strong discipline for our child?We have set high standards for our schools. We have created the special SPICE Maturity Programme which was meticulously designed to enrich the Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Creative and Emotional areas of development of each student. The SPICE Programme comes with the Target Plan that the entire Academic Board has come up with to ensure that our aims and goals for the educational achievements of the children are met. With this in mind, we at Brainy Bunch wish to share this innovative plan with you so that your expectations of what we can deliver can match with those of ours.
How many main teachers in Brainy Bunch?A minimum of 5 teachers-in-charge and 5 assistant teachers may be required. This is depending on the numbers of classes.
Do you have a particular website that we can go through or visit?
How many branches do you have?We have 102 campuses in Malaysia & International campuses in Singapore, Indonesia, and opening in Brunei soon. We also have in Gaza as our Charity school.
Where will my child enroll after he/she finishes in Preschool Brainy Bunch?You can enroll your child in our Brainy Bunch International School for Elementary & Secondary Levels. However, seats are limited. Please register your child early to book a place. Please call 012-7773849 and you may speak with Mr. Nazri the head of Registrar Department.
How do you differentiate Star Session, Full day and Regular programmes?Difference in time, star session stays until 3:00p.m aside from learning academics they have additional activities such as silat or martial arts, practical skills, nature and play. Full day is the same in star session but we include Constructive Play and Brainy Muslim Programmes.
School time starts at what time?It starts @ 8:00 a.m Mondays to Fridays for Regular and Star Programmes and 7:00 am for Full day Programme.
I want more info on the programme.We have 2 programs for Brainy Bunch Kindergarten: 1. Play-School (1.5-3 years old) : 2. Pre-School (4-6 years old) : We also have 2 programs for International School: 1. Elementary School (6-12 years old) 2. High School (12-17 years old)
Are your teachers professionally trained and well qualified?Yes, Of course all our teachers have gone thru The Brainy Bunch Islamic Montessori Training with our certified trainers and lecturers.
Do they have proper Montessori training in Brainy Bunch?Yes they do. Our CTO or Chief Technical Trainer has more than 29 years’ experience, qualification, certifications and diplomas in Islamic Montessori and we also have permanent Syariah Advisors to provide us with the right/appropriate information on Islamic knowledge and practices. All our training contents have been prepared by these experts.
What does the Brainy Bunch offer in terms of Islamic Studies?We have developed an Islamic Program consisting of the Brainy Junior Tahfiz which comprises of lessons in Solat, Hafazan Surah and Daily doa, Akhlah, Ibadah, Aqeedah, Seerah and the Muqaddam which covers Quran reading. Apart from the above, the program also instills the 4 main pillars of our Islamic teaching – love for Parents, love for the Prophet, love for Jannah and love for Allah.
What teaching methods and materials are used in Islamic studies?The Montessori Method is applied in teaching any subject in Brainy Bunch. Islamic Studies benefits from this method as well because didactic materials and apparatus are used to instill the lessons. When it comes to learning Arabic language, building Arabic vocabulary is introduced using terminology and nomenclature cards. We also have Islamic teaching apparatus to help the program be more interactive.
How many subjects do you have in this school?10 subjects namely EPL, Sensorial, Language, Mathematics, Cultural, Muqaddam & Islamic Subjects, Storytelling and Conversation, Physical Education, Creative Studies and Music and Movement. We also have extra learning activities such as Right Brain Training, LEGO Learning activities, Brainy Mandarin and Little Scientist Programme.
How much time is spent on each subject such as Language, Maths, Solat, Muqaddam Reading, Cultural? P.E?30 minutes except Islamic studies and storytelling – 15mins twice a week. Time table will change on the last two quarters of the academic year.
What is EPL? And Sensorial?EPL is (Exercises of Practical Life) and Sensorial (educating the senses). They are the most important subjects in Montessori because they develop coordination, concentration, order and discipline. EPL are activities done on everyday life like pouring activities, transferring, opening and closing while Sensorial are exercises done to enhance and develop the use of their senses
What would be the progress of the child in learning these areas?They deal with sensitivity to detail, to weight, to culture, to environment, to nature, to order, to development of skills. Coordination, concentration, order and discipline are the 4 important elements of these areas.
What extra-curricular activities are offered?Practical skills, nature and play, aerobics, silat, martial arts, mandarin class, lego learning activities and Right Brain Training
Can you explain further the details of the school fees?Details of the fees are shown on the fees structure.
Do you accept installment basis?We normally don’t, but if need be, parents are required to write-in for approval from our Management.
Do you give discounts to one child?No we don’t sorry!
How about enrolling two children, will you give more discounts?Sorry. We do not give discounts.
If I enroll my child on the 3rd term will you reduce the fees?For the 3rd term or after June as new enrolment we will adjust the fees for annual registration only. Monthly fees will remain the same.
What if my child is below 2 y.o, will Brainy Bunch accept him/her?We accept from 18months & above.
Do you accept 6 y.o child with zero learning?Yes we do, but we need to assess your child first. We do offer extra classes on weekdays or during Saturdays for children who need more assistance from the teachers.
I want to register.Thank you for your interest. Please click here to register
How do you approach a child when it comes to teaching Language? (Zero Learning)We teach a lot of music and movement, poetry, soundings and brain gym exercises.
How about in Mathematics and other subjects?We also have early numbers, singing songs, number songs and games for the children
How will you assure us that 100% English medium of communication is used?All of our teachers and managers have undergone/will undergo the certification in English proficiency and we do have English Coaches. We also initiated the English through Mentoring programme that will help our teachers to consistently upgrade their levels of Communication in English. We are constantly improving ourselves to teach the children in English. At school, no teacher is allowed to use any other language except for English.
How will you guarantee to us that a 6 y.o child with zero learning will be able to read fluently and will be able to write legibly?There are several requisites we impose on our 6 year old students before any guarantees are set forth. 1) We guarantee that your child will be able to read and do basic numerical operations provided that they have been with Brainy Bunch for at least 2 years. 2) They have no learning disabilities like dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, Autism and others. 3) They come to school regularly and on time We have a standard one prep plan so we want to ensure if they are prepared for standard 1. We do have our target in terms of meeting the child’s achievements. We also encourage parents to be involved in this program. We also come up with Express Target Plan for 6 years old and IPP (Intensive Primary Programme). IPP aims to support all the 6 year olds Brainy Bunch Children, setting them in the right direction to promote their progress and achievement over a three month period. This has been developed to deliver a step change with better learning outcomes in Numeracy, Reading and Writing Skills. This is a special programme to help prepare the 6 year olds for Standard 1.
How do you serve food for the children?Our central kitchen prepares the food for all of our campuses.
Do you cook in school?Only reheating/cooking rice is done in school.
Do you buy food outside?No. All our food is prepared by the central kitchen team that meets the standard requirements for food preparation.
Do you accept special children?Yes we do. We will start accepting enquiries, registration in February and the trial assessment will be 3 days. However, not all campuses have specially trained teachers who can handle such cases. Special needs children, if ever they are accepted, you have to provide our branch with a medical report from a certified child psychologist and must be assessed by our Operations Team headed by Madam Mawar Ashireem Razali. Children with special cases will be assessed and will be accepted in March or after the first quarter.
Do they join in a normal class?Yes they do.
Are the events compulsory?Yes they are. It is also compulsory to pay all our major events fees such as (Parents Conference, Sports Day, Field Trip & Year-End Concert & Graduation Day). You are obliged to settle this together with Term 1 fees.
If I send my child to school late, would there be charges?There will be no charges, however we do not tolerate late comers as the child will miss his/her major subject lessons. Please send your child on time
If I pick-up my child late from school? Will you charge us?Yes. However, we will give you a 30min grace period to your child’s dismissal time. For Full day Programme the first hour overtime charge is RM20.00, Payable on a daily basis.
Do you offer school transport?Yes we do in selected campuses.
What is the appropriate age to enroll for trial class?The trial class is open to children ages 3 to 6 years old.
If I enroll my child in this program, how many days will be given?We will allow your child to experience a 3-day fun class learning with us.
How to register in this program?You may go to Brainy Bunch website and register. School of your choice will call you. Acceptance to trial class will be based on first come first serve basis or based on the teacher student ration to ensure full supervision and care.
What is Switch Program?The switch program is an offer for you to switch your child from your current kindergarten to Brainy Bunch.
How does this program work?We will offset the Annual Registration fees when you register with Brainy Bunch. This offer is only valid when you provide us with the original receipt of payment you have made to the previous school.
What is the maximum deduction you could give us?The maximum deduction is RM1,400.00 from the Annual Registration. Other fees will be explained later for children above 4 years old.
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