Assalamualaikum once again dear readers. For this last segment of the Sensitive Periods in Children, let me explain the two final sensitivities which are: the Sensitive Period for Order and Sensitive Period to Social Behaviour, Manner and Courtesy.

Sensitive Period for Order:
This sensitivity starts from birth, peaks at around 18 months to 2.5 years and prolongs to age five. This is characterized by a desire for consistency and repetition. There exists a passionate love for established routines, such as the daily activities the child goes through like bathing after waking up, then having his breakfast followed by changing of clothes to get ready for playtime at the playground. When this routine is disrupted, the mood of the child changes because his routine seems disturbed by disorder. The “terrible twos” are often exaggerated reactions to small disruptions in order that is not perceived by adults. The environment therefore must be carefully ordered with a place for everything and with carefully established ground rules.
It is also important to have external order in their environment where there is an appropriate place for everything as this helps the child establish what Montessori refers to as their internal order. So, external order, cleanliness in an environment free from change and disorder will lead a child to developing order within himself.
When you see a child throw a tantrum at home for no obvious reason to the adult, this maybe because things are out of routine and it affects their sense of order. They may at this time insist on the same routine, and at times parents don’t really have time to respect this in their busy lives. One may even see a child put things back into place if they are out of order if given the chance. It is therefore, important to be aware of this sensitivity as one of the child’s needs to be fulfilled. Having ordered rules helps a child in this sensitive period.

Sensitive Period to Social Behaviour, Manner and Courtesy.
This Sensitive Period lasts for about 4 years from 2 to 6 years old.
During this period, the child becomes aware of the fact that he is part of a group and that it is time to make more friends. He belongs in a family, a neighbourhood, a community and eventually a larger group people in his school.
At age 2 to 3, interaction may only involve a small group of 2 or 3 children. As toddlers grow to be 4 to 6 years old, they become more sociable. Development from being able to play with 2 friends to developing friendships with his entire classmates is a great feat all on its own. This is when a child learns to adapt to the norms of society as he slowly traverses actions that are acceptable in his environment. This takes time as actions and instincts weave through each other. The child slowly learns the meaning of cooperation, and the act of give and take. With proper guidance from his friends and classmates, teachers and parents, the child will learn good manners and right conduct from copying what he sees. The more a child is given the chance to observe manners and courtesy, the easier it will be for him to adjust to any given situation.
As adults, we are our children’s role models. We must show our children how to interact with others and assist them to solve conflicts.

When children are younger, be aware of your role when you attend activities with your child, such as playgroup or playdate. Stay close by to be able to help your child to play, cooperate and take turns with his playmates.
Remember, a child’s best influence when it comes to acquiring good behaviour, manners and courtesy will always be from his parents as they are the best role models for the children.